Track and Export Your Sales and Customer Data with DPD Purchase Notifications
DPD provides details of all of your completed purchases to any HTTP form processor or 3rd party service of your choice.
The purchase details that we provide are submitted to your form processor via an HTTP POST. The format of the posted data loosly follows the Paypal IPN format. Any processor that can process a Paypal IPN should be able to process our purchase details.
Integration is easy:
The IPN notification URL is a website level option. This allows you to integrate with specific mailing lists or 3rd party services for each store you manage with DPD.
- Login to DPD.
- Choose the store you want to track from the Store pull down at the top of the page.
- Click on Integrations from the left navigation.
- Click on + Add next to the URL integration.
- Enter the notification URL and click on save.
We support HTTP and HTTPS for communicating with your form processor. You can also use a password protected URL using the format: All purchase notifications will posted to your form processor within one minute of the purchase completion. If your server fails to respond, we do not try to post the notification again.
DPD provides the following details in our purchase notification:
Purchase information fields
txn_id => Unique identifier for this purchase
mc_gross => Total amount of payment
discount => The discount (coupon) amount applied to this order
mc_currency => Currency of the total amount
tax => Total tax
coupon_code => The coupon code used on this order, if any.
mc_shipping => Total shipping
shipping_method => Shipping method
verify_sign => Verification signature. You can verify that the notification came from DPD by using the verify notification API method.
Customer information fields
- payer_email
- first_name
- last_name
- ip_address
- marketing_optin
Shipping address fields
- address_street
- address_city
- address_state
- address_zip
- address_country
- address_country_code
Custom fields (if configured)
Custom fields are passed using the same ID as displayed on your custom field list. They always look like custom_N where N is a unique number for the custom field.
For Each Item in the Cart
X = the item number in the checkout, i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc.
item_nameX => The product name for this item
item_numberX => The DPD product ID number for this item
quantityX => The quantity of this item sold. Typically "1"
mc_gross_X => The product price for this item
discount_X => The discount applied to this product
mc_currency_X => The price currency for this item
skuX => The SKU / Stock number for this item
product_keyX => If a product key was delivered through DPD's new keycode delivery system for this item, it will be included here.
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