DPD delivers keycodes in two ways:
1. As text displayed on the delivery page and delivery email or
2. As a file the buyer downloads
In most cases, vendors will want to display the keycode on the delivery page and emails instead of providing a downloadable key file. The key file is only useful if you are using activation software that can accept the downloaded file.
To change how the keycode is delivered you need to uncheck the box that says "Deliver Keycode as File" on the Update Keycodes page during product setup.
If you need to change this value for an existing product, please do the following:
1. Log in to DPD
2. Go to your Product list by clicking on Products in the left menu
3. Find your product in the list and click view next to the product to open the product detail page
4. Scroll down and click on Manage Purchase Actions
5. Click settings under Deliver Key Code
6. Uncheck the box to deliver keycode as a file and save.
That's it!